Uncategorized Justice Now: The Way Forward – After Show AdminMay 27, 2021 Soledad O'Brien and Brittany Packnett Cunningham talk about using their platforms for the collective good and having...
Uncategorized America After George Floyd AdminMay 25, 2021 Soledad O'Brien and Brittany Packnett Cunningham discuss action steps for the Black community to heal one year after...
National News Amazon will block police indefinitely from using its facial-recognition software AdminMay 18, 2021 Nearly a year ago, Amazon said it would stop providing its facial-recognition software, Rekognition, to police for a...
National News Anyone can use this powerful facial-recognition tool — and that's a problem AdminMay 4, 2021 You probably haven't seen PimEyes, a mysterious facial-recognition search engine, but it may have spotted you....